PixUp Mobile Application


UX Designer, UX Researcher


  • Interview

  • Personas & Storyboard

  • Comparative Analysis

  • Wireframing & Prototyping

  • Usability test


Sep. 2015 - Jan. 2016


PixUp, a start-up in Ann Arbor, MI



PixUp is a local start-up providing on-demand, peer-to-peer, instant deliveries for residents near Ann Arbor region. Founders of PixUp want to develop a platform which connects drivers and those who need instant delivery (customers). 


Design Process 



When the clients reached out to us, they were not sure which platform to go with (mobile or web) and the exact user needs.

We decided to conduct user interviews to understand the user needs and analyze the results afterwards to determine which platform matches well with the business goals.


Interview, Personas & Storyboard

4 in-depth user interviews were conducted and 3 personas were generated based on the findings from our interviews. Also, the scenarios, user needs and platform used were described in our storyboard to help our clients understand the overall experience. 


Important findings from user interview, personas & storyboard

After collecting and analyzing the data from user interviews, we discovered that non-student adults might not be favorable as potential drivers since most of them do not have a strong motivation for earning extra money. Furthermore, normal households tend to lean toward spending time with their family. Also, it is not practical for non-student adults to work for PixUp on weekdays since they have full-time jobs. As the result, it was concluded not being practical for the non-student drivers to work for PixUp. 

As we were finalizing the personas and storyboard, we concluded that mobile application would be a better platform for the company. Since PixUp aims to provide instant delivery where customers may not have full access to his laptop throughout the request and delivery processes, mobile application for smartphones seem to be more applicable. 


Comparative analysis

A comparative analysis was conducted to research on potential competitors in the market. Seven competitors which offer similar services was chosen and studied, in order to identify and explore PixUp's competitive strength among existing service in the market. Dolly and UberRUSH were categorized as major competitors since these companies offer similar services as the ones PixUp aims to offer. 

Important features were identified to compare across competitors, including main and additional product features. Main features are determined based on each feature’s importance to the overall functionality of the application. Only main features were included in the comparative matrix since main features are relatively crucial for user interface and user experience (UI, UX) design. After collecting information on the competitors, a rubric was created as criteria for comparison. For each main feature, score of 1 (least satisfactory) to 3 (most satisfactory) was assigned based on the rubric. A comparative matrix was then generated based on the rating descriptions in the rubric. 

Portfolio-PixUp & Entrepalooza_Page_05.png

Logo & Color theme

In order to convey the feelings of friendly, dynamic, and trustworthy, the three main attributes PixUp wants to express to their customers, we further investigated on existing brands having similar attributes and messages. The color theme that would best fit PixUp was also discussed. After designing ten different versions of logo, our top three choices were presented to our client for the final decision.

We decided to choose warm colors as basis for the color theme. Also, by designing the logo mimicking a box transferring and vibrating, this implied the concept of PixUp is a company offering delivery service. 


Wireframe & Prototype

After aggregating data from interviews, personas & storyboard, and comparative analysis, we had a more concrete concept of the process flow and how PixUp would look like and function. Thus, we started creating wireframes showing the overall process for the platform. The team was then divided into two groups, one working on the design for customers and one working on the design for drivers. I was assigned to work on the driver's mobile app. 


Wireframe & Prototype for driver's mobile app:


Wireframe & Prototype for customer's mobile app:


Usability test & Interactive Prototype modification

After building hi-fi into interactive prototype, usability tests were conducted to learn user behaviors and find usability problems. The main tasks for usability tests were generated by revisiting important findings from user interviews and comparative analysis. These tasks cover major functions PixUp offers in its mobile application. 18 problems such as confusing wording or high information access cost were fixed in the updated version of prototype and thus improve the overall user experience for PixUp mobile app. 

We were able to conduct six usability tests: three for the customer’s application and three for the driver’s. Participants’ feedback and concerns helped the further modifications of high-fidelity prototype.


Interactive Prototype Demo


Conclusion & Reflection

At each stage of the designing process, we delivered important findings and deliverables to our client. Especially with the findings from user research and usability tests, this resulted in great impacts on the process of developing the platform for PixUp. Our client is then able to move forward with the assistance provided by us. However, there are still few drawbacks in the interviews and usability tests due to the limitations such as the sample size and sample selection. 

Despite the limitation of sample size and sample selection, the findings we collected were still useful for the improvements of usability and functionality of our high-fidelity prototypes. After conducting a small-scale usability tests, we were able to discovered 18 problems, including confusing wording, high information access cost, information architecture and privacy issue. Problems were then fixed in the modified version of prototype. The modified version enables our client to conduct more-detailed usability tests among a more diverse group of participants in terms of ages and technology levels to identify more usability problems.